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46 votes

$p$-adic Hodge Theory for rigid spaces, after P. Scholze

Let me start with the second question first: The usual de Rham complex is not locally acyclic in positive degrees, in any of the topologies (analytic (= of rational subsets), étale, pro-étale, ...). …
Peter Scholze's user avatar
29 votes

Condensed criterion for sheafiness of adic spaces

Thanks for the question! One interpretation of the conjecture is true. Let me elaborate. The following results are kind of implicit in some discussion towards the end of …
Peter Scholze's user avatar
22 votes

p-adic Hodge theory for varieties defined over \C _p ?

In general, you cannot expect that for a proper smooth scheme $X$ over $\mathbb{C}_p$, you have a canonical decomposition $$ H^i_{\mathrm{\acute{e}t}}(X)\otimes \mathbb{C}_p\cong \bigoplus_j H^{i-j}( …
Peter Scholze's user avatar
16 votes

How many untilts?

This specific question is probably not addressed in the literature; let's try to figure it out! Let $K$ be an algebraic extension of $\mathbb Q_p$ such that the tilt of $\widehat{K}$ is isomorphic to …
Peter Scholze's user avatar
9 votes

Some questions from the paper by Scholze-Weinstein

In Lemma 4.1.7, we actually assume that $R$ is f-semiperfect (i.e. a quotient of a perfect ring by a finitely generated ideal); I doubt the result is true without this assumption. Note that $W_{PD}$ i …
Peter Scholze's user avatar
9 votes

Topology on $p$-adic period ring in an article by Fontaine

Inductive limit topologies are always nasty to describe: Basically you can't do better than their very definition. Namely, a subset $U\subset W(R)[1/p]$ is an open neighborhood of $0$ if and only if f …
Peter Scholze's user avatar
8 votes

periodic cyclic homology and tilting in the sense of Scholze

Of course, there cannot be a direct relation at the categorical level: After all, one category is $R$-linear while the other is $R^\flat$-linear (I write $R^\flat=R'$ for the tilt, as usual). On the o …
Peter Scholze's user avatar
8 votes

Vector bundles on adic spaces

The question is local on $X$, so we may assume that $\mathcal E$ is finite free, of rank $n$, say. In that case, as also SashaP points out, the question amounts to the question whether $\mathbb A^n_X$ …
Peter Scholze's user avatar
8 votes

Finite non-empty coproduct in the absolute prismatic site

Yes, it does admit nonempty finite coproducts. If you have two prisms $(A_1,I_1)$ and $(A_2,I_2)$ with maps $R\to A_i/I_i$, you need to find the initial prism $(A,I)$ with maps from both $(A_i,I_i)$ s …
Peter Scholze's user avatar
6 votes

Witt vectors, the cotangent complex, and a solid construction of $B_{dR}^+$

Let me add to Z. M's answer, and note that Dustin has no reason to apologize at all: What he said is literally correct. Namely, one can directly show that $L_{F/\mathbb Z}^\blacksquare$ is isomorphic …
Peter Scholze's user avatar
5 votes

$p$-adic comparison of cohomology with coefficients in $\mathbb{Z}_{p}$ and $\mathbb{B}_{\te...

The result is false in the open case. If true, a long exact sequence would show that also $$H^i(X_{\mathrm{proet}},\hat{\mathbb Z}_p)\otimes k\to H^i(X_{\mathrm{proet}},\hat{\mathcal O}_X)$$ is an iso …
Peter Scholze's user avatar