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Commutative rings, modules, ideals, homological algebra, computational aspects, invariant theory, connections to algebraic geometry and combinatorics.

8 votes

Generators of a maximal ideal of $k[X_1,\cdots,X_n]$

The classes of the $X_i - a_i$ are easily seen to be a basis for $\mathfrak{m}/\mathfrak{m}^2$.
Angelo's user avatar
  • 27k
3 votes

Comparing homomorphisms over different base rings

I think this is true. There is a homomorphism $R \otimes_A Hom_R(M,N) \rightarrow Hom_A(M,N)$, given from the obvious $R$-module structure of $Hom_A(M,N)$. To check that this is an isomorphism we can …
Angelo's user avatar
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7 votes

quotient of integral polynomials not being integral

I don't think this can happen. The division algorithm works over arbitrary rings, with unique quotient and remainder, as long as you are dividing by a monic polynomial. This implies that if $g$ is mon …
Angelo's user avatar
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3 votes

tensor of powers of an ideal

I suppose you intend to ask whether there is isomorphism as in the formula. The answer is negative, in general. For example, take $R = k[x]$, $I = (x)$, $M = R/I^2$. [Edit] What you may have in mind …
Angelo's user avatar
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5 votes
0 answers

Looking for a reference for a generalization of the Weierstrass preparation theorem

I am looking for a reference for the following generalization of the Weierstrass preparation theorem for formal power series. Suppose that $A$ is a noetherian complete local ring with residue field $k …
Angelo's user avatar
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7 votes

Extension of scalars and support of a non-finitely generated module

Take $A = \mathbb Z$, $M = \mathbb Q$, $B = \mathbb Z/p\mathbb Z$, were $p$ is a prime.
Angelo's user avatar
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31 votes

Does a "composite field" always exist?

The tensor product $F_1 \otimes_F F_2$ is not 0, hence it has a quotient which is a field. This contains the images of both $F_i$.
Angelo's user avatar
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7 votes

Order of ring automorphisms of localizations of polynomial rings over finite fields

Every such automorphism is contained in the automorphism group of the field or rational functions $F(t)$ over $F$, which equals $\mathrm{PGL}_2(F)$, and so is a finite group. [Edit:] upon further ref …
Angelo's user avatar
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5 votes

What is the coordinate ring of symmetric product of affine plane?

Those invariant polynomials are called multisymmetric functions. There are several papers on them; you could start with J. Dalbec, Multisymmetric functions, Beiträge Algebra Geom. 40(1) (1999), 27-51 …
Angelo's user avatar
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2 votes

Connection: locally free - locally projective

It is true for locally free sheaves of algebras that are central simple algebras at every point, though. These are known as sheaves of Azumaya algebras; I mention them since they were brought up in th …
Angelo's user avatar
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11 votes

$K_{0}(R) =\mathbb{Z}$ but some f.g. projective not stably free?

If $R$ is a commutative ring with $K_{0}(R)=\mathbb{Z}$, then $\mathop{\rm Spec} R$ is connected, because otherwise $R$ would split as a product, and $K_{0}(R)$ would contain a copy of $\mathbb{Z} \op …
Angelo's user avatar
  • 27k
9 votes

Seeking examples or proof: injectivity of Cartan homomorphism for commutative rings?

No, it is not injective in general, unless $R$ is regular notherian. There are many counterexamples; for a simple one you can take the ring $R := \mathbb C[t^2, t^3] \subseteq \mathbb C[t]$, compute t …
Angelo's user avatar
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5 votes

Checking locally whether a homomorphism is a localization

Let $A$ be the coordinate ring of a smooth affine curve $X$ over $\mathbb C$, and let $p$ be a point of infinite order in the class group of $A$. Let $B$ be the coordinate ring of $X \smallsetminus \{ …
Angelo's user avatar
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6 votes

Spectral sequence for Ext

$\mathcal{E}xt^q(F, I)$ is 0 for $q > 0$. On the other hand it follows easily by considering extensions by 0 that $\mathcal{H}om(F, I)$ is flabby, hence acyclic.
Angelo's user avatar
  • 27k
1 vote

An elementary question about the Krull dimension of modules

The dimension of $M$ is the maximum of the dimensions of $M'$ and $M''$, so what you are asking for cannot happen (at least not in the noetherian case). To Dylan: the dimension of a module is the dime …
Angelo's user avatar
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