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2 votes

How can pushing a vertex in a polytope lead to merging facets?

What happens as you push $v$, is that you can break a face into two. Start with a cube in $\mathbb R^3$, choose a vertex, and start to push it into the interior of the cube. Each of the three facets …
Hugh Thomas's user avatar
  • 6,302
1 vote

Build a topological polytope with a specified CW-structure

There is a canonical thing to do if you have a lattice quotient of weak order on the symmetric group. Namely, you take the Coxeter fan (which has one maximal cone for each element of $S_n$) and you g …
Hugh Thomas's user avatar
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5 votes

Build a topological polytope with a specified CW-structure

Edited to add: I now think the answer below is completely wrong. The three-dimensional cyclohedron has 12 facets, while the three-dimensional polytope the OP is looking for should have 14. This is t …
Hugh Thomas's user avatar
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1 vote

Growth polynomial of the Associahedron graph ? (Is it approximately Gaussian ?)

Let's consider the associahedron whose vertices are triangulations of an $n$-gon. Sleator, Tarjan, and Thurston (Rotation distance, triangulations, and hyperbolic geometry, JAMS, 1988) give a simple a …
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