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Theory and applications of probability and stochastic processes: e.g. central limit theorems, large deviations, stochastic differential equations, models from statistical mechanics, queuing theory.

0 votes

Distribution under operations

Yes, the mean is infinite. (If it was finite, since $W$ is integrable, $XY/Z$ would be integrable. Since $XY$ and $Z$ are independent and $XY$ is not identically $0$, $1/Z$ would be integrable. But …
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2 votes

probability puzzle - selecting a person

This is to answer a question raised by unknown: in the asymmetric case where the coin moves clockwise with probability $p$ and counterclockwise with probability $1-p$, the new head is located $k$ seat …
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0 votes

Distribution under operations

Yes it can: the probability that $|(XY/Z)-W|\ge t$ is bounded by $c/t+o(1/t)$ with $c^2=2/\pi^3$, when $t\to\infty$. (By the way, Yemon Choi DID NOT suggest that the tail estimate might be interesting …
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1 vote

Maximum of Convex combination of random variables

First, $Z$ is distributed like $bX$, with $b>0$ and $b^2=a^2+(1−a)^2$. Second, for every $x$, $u(bx)=\sqrt{b}u(x)$. Third, $E(u(X))=-E(\sqrt{X};X>0)$ is negative. Hence, $E(u(Z))=\sqrt{b}E(u(X))$ is a …
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2 votes

Process equivalent to conditional probability

Regarding the initial question, the construction explained by Jeff is my favorite. Regarding the edited version, which asks that $Z_t$ be written as a function of $X$ and $t$, the following constructi …
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4 votes

When does the ratio X/Y of two random variables have a finite moment-generating function?

Let $D$ denote a set of probability distributions of positive random variables and $r$ a positive real number. Consider the following properties: For every random variables $X$ and $T$ with probabil …
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13 votes

Maximum of a set of sums of iid random variables

Let $M_n(T)=\max\{S_1(T),\ldots,S_n(T)\}$ where the $S_j(T)$ are i.i.d. and distributed like $S(T)$. A partial answer to your question is that $E(M_n(T))/T\to\mu$ when $T\to+\infty$ as soon as the f …
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1 vote

Probability of d distinct outcomes after n trials

In the symmetric case, your second question is easy. Assume that each outcome is equally likely. You need $N_0=1$ trial to get $1$ outcome. Once you got $k$ different outcomes, you need $N_k$ more tri …
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2 votes

Green function of simple random walk

In fact $S_d$ does not converge to zero when $d\to\infty$, at least if $a_x=1$ for every $x$. Here is a proof. For every $x$, $G_d(x)=P_0^{(d)}(\mathtt{hit}\ x)G_d(0)\le G_d(0)$ hence $G_d(x)^2/G_d( …
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3 votes

Is there a good explanation for this fact on pairwise independent variables?

This solution is ugly, sorry. Proceed by contradiction and assume that 0000, 0001 and 0010 all have probability zero. Every event where one specifies two coordinates and one leaves free the two remai …
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6 votes

Limits of binomial distribution

Assume the distribution of $X_n$ is binomial $(n,p)$. Then, for every real number $t$, $$ \mathrm E(\mathrm e^{\mathrm it(X_n-np)})=\mathrm e^{\mathrm itnp}(1-p+p\mathrm e^{\mathrm it})^n. $$ Assuming …
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5 votes

A "random variable" with infinite value

While you are at it, you could allow the value $+\infty$ as well... The resulting object is a random variable from a probability space $(\Omega,\mathcal{F},P)$ to a bona fide measurable space $(E,\m …
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10 votes

Integral of the product of Normal density and cdf

The horror, the horror... :-) Recall that $\Phi(x)=P[X\leqslant x]$ for every $x$, where the random variable $X$ is standard normal, and that, for every suitable function $u$, $$ \int_{-\infty}^{+\in …
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2 votes

Simple functional form for correlated Bernoulli variables

Gibbs measures provide a solution. Introduce the energy $H(x)$ of a configuration $x=(x_k)_{1\le k\le N}$ in $S=\{0,1\}^N$ as $$ H(x)=\sum_kx_k+\sum_{k\ne\ell}x_kx_\ell, $$ and, for every parameter $a …
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0 votes

Residual lifetime of heavy-tailed random variable

A partial answer is that, when $X$ is not integrable, $\hat X_x$ the residual lifetime of $\min\{X,x\}$ converges to infinity in distribution when $x\to\infty$. Since the residual lifetime $\hat X$ of …
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