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Commutative rings, modules, ideals, homological algebra, computational aspects, invariant theory, connections to algebraic geometry and combinatorics.

2 votes

Canonical module of rees algebra

The result of Bruns needed for determining the canonical module of the Rees algebra with respect to an ideal generated by a regular sequence is Theorem 8.8 in Bruns and Vetter, Determinantal Rings. Th …
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1 vote

Homogeneous ideal and its system of generators

I gave a short answer to this question here: A more general answer says the following: if $K$ is a field, $ …
1 vote

Filter-regular sequence and regularity

I've posted an answer on M.SE.
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2 votes

Are f.g. projective modules free over total quotient ring of a reduced non-noetherian commu...

I've posted an answer here.
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1 vote

Is a polynomial ring integral over this subring ?

I will try a quick answer based on the following well known Theorem. (Graded Noether Normalization) Let $K$ be a field and $S$ a graded $K$-algebra. Set $r=\dim S$. For homogeneous elements $p_1,\dot …
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2 answers

Graded-irreducible ideals are irreducible?

One knows that graded ideals in polynomial rings over a field are primary iff they are graded-primary. What about the irreducible ideals? Let $I$ be a graded ideal in a polynomial ring over a fiel …
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11 votes
1 answer

Are there irreducible ideals that are not primary in $K[X_1,\dots,X_n,\dots]$?

I can give examples of non-noetherian rings having irreducible ideals that are not primary. Among them there are idealizations and valuation domains. But the first non-noetherian ring we are thinking …
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4 votes
1 answer

Example of fractional ideal whose inverse does not commute with localization

Let $R$ be an integral domain, and $K$ its field of fractions. It is well known that for a finitely generated fractional ideal $I$ of $R$, and $S$ a multiplicative set we have $$(R:_KI)_S=(R_S:_KI_S). …
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1 answer

Examples of fractional ideals whose inverse does not commute with the product

Let $R$ be an integral domain, $K$ its field of fractions, and $I,J$ fractional ideals. If $R$ is a Krull domain, then $(R:_KIJ)=(R:_KI)(R:_KJ)$, or $(IJ)^{-1}=I^{-1}J^{-1}$. But I can't see any reaso …
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16 votes

Is a domain all of whose localizations are noetherian itself noetherian ?

All the previous answers send us to complicated examples since these are $1$-dimensional domains. But the OP has looked for A domain $D$ all of whose localizations $D_P$ for $P∈\mathrm{Spec}(D)$ …
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2 votes

Prime ideal ramified in extension if and only if certain polynomial divides another one?

Set $A=k[T,\sqrt f]$. In fact, $A=k[T,U]/(U^2-f)$. Then $A/gA\simeq k[T,U]/(g,U^2-f)$. If we set $L=k[T]/(g)$, then $A/gA\simeq L[U]/(U^2-\bar f)$. If $g$ ramifies in $A$ then there is $h\in k[T]$ suc …
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2 votes

If the quotient of a local ring is regular, does that imply that the original ring must be r...

The quoted result relies on the following elementary characterization of local regular rings: Let $R$ be a local ring with maximal ideal $\mathfrak m$ and $x\in\mathfrak m-\mathfrak m^2$. Then $R$ …
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1 vote

transcendence degree of subring of polynomial ring

Set $R=k[p_1,\dots,p_t]$, $S=k[x_1,\dots,x_r]$ and $\mathfrak{m}=(x_1,\dots,x_r)$ (the maximal irrelevant ideal of $S$). We know that the ideal $(p_1,\dots,p_t)S$ is $\mathfrak{m}$-primary. A graded v …
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4 votes

Strongly Noetherian property. When is the tensor $A\otimes_{k}B$ Noetherian for Noetherian r...

Although the OP is mainly interested in noncommutative results and examples, let me say a few words about the commutative case. Let $k\subset K$ be a field extension. N. Bourbaki in Algebre. Chapitr …
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2 votes

Vanishing of Tor

I've posted a proof here for the special case when $M$ is cyclic. Furthermore, I've mentioned that the result holds for finitely generated modules when the sequence is $R$-regular and $M$-regular.
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