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for questions about motives in algebraic geometry, including constructions of categories of motives and motivic sheaves, and aspects of the standard conjectures.

2 votes
0 answers

Transformation rule for motivic integration: divisors or divisors classes?

In the Kontsevich's 'change of variables for motivic integral' rule does one consider any possible choices for the corresponding canonical divisors, or is it necessary to fix certain representatives i …
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

Can a Chow motif be isomorphic to its own direct summand?

Let $M$ be a $R$-linear Chow motif over a field $k$ that is perfect but not necessarily algebraically closed. Can one prove that $M$ is not a direct summand of itself (that is, $M\not\cong M\bigoplus …
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
4 votes

Etale Realization and Gysin Sequence

Yes, it is.:) Gysin triangles (along with orientable cohomology theories) were studied in detail in several papers of Deglise. For example, have a look at section 4 of …
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
2 votes

Grothendieck's letter to Faltings: On the yoga of motives and the degeneration of Leray spec...

Well, everything follows from the fact that the total direct image $Rf_*\mathbb{Q}$ splits as the direct sum of its (shifted, co)homology sheaves (so, it is "formal"). Now, this statement can be prove …
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
1 vote

Why is the triangulated category of motives easier than the abelian one?

On the other hand, to obtain an abelian category motives you should "enforce" certain long exact sequences (of symbols of the form $H^i(V)$), and I doubt that any general formalism allows this. …
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
1 vote

Motivic class of mixed Tate motive

Now, the latter statement is a consequence of the existence of a (Chow) weight structure on $DMT(k;R)$ whose heart consists on Chow-Tate motives; these are direct sums of $R(i)[2i]=\mathbb L^{\otimes i …
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
3 votes

What is motivic sheaf intuitively?

The problem is that is really difficult to define mixed motives (even over an algebraically closed field). … Note that the original idea of Grothendieck is that motives should be "defined in terms of varieties". And this is more or less the case for triangulated motivic categories. …
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
6 votes
0 answers

Is singular cohomology representable by a (Voevodsky's) motivic complex?

For any $c>0$ does there exist an object $C$ of Voevodsky's $DM^{eff}_-$ (over the field of complex numbers) such that for any $i\le c$ and any smooth variety $X$ the $i$-th singular cohomology of $X$ …
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

The conjectural relation between mixed motivic sheaves and the perverse t-structure.

As far as I remember, there 'should exist' an exact etale realization functor from the category of mixed motivic sheaves (over a base scheme $S$) to the category of perverse $l$-adic sheaves over $S$. …
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
4 votes

Functor between categories of motives

$) exists if $f$ is smooth (thus, it should be finite and separable if you consider motives over fields). …
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

On "splitting off small weights" from Chow motives

I am interested in certain properties Chow motives that seem to be (more or less) "classical" (so, I mostly need references; the base field may be assumed to be algebraically closed). … So, consider the full subcategories $C_{\le 1}$ and $C_{\ge 2}$ of effective Chow motives with rational coefficients consisting of objects whose ($\mathbb{Q}_l$-adic for l being a fixed prime distinct …
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
9 votes

What exactly do the standard conjectures in characteristic zero refer to?

Any characteristic zero field is an inductive limit of fields that can be embedded into complex numbers (i.e., those of characteristic 0 and of cardinality at most continuum). Hence the assumption t …
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
4 votes

Intuition for the Lefschetz motive (Tate motive)?

Since motives of affine lines are "trivial", the latter morphism yields the isomorphism in question. … If you want to study "ordinary motives", look at Hodge structures, yes. …
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
4 votes

Some questions about the map $K_0(\text{Var})\to K_0(\text{Mot})$

(1) As pointed out by Marc Hoyois, there is a natural homomorphism $K_0(Var)\to K_0(DM^{gm})$, where $DM^{gm}$ is the category of geometric Voevodsky motives with coefficients in any (commutative unital … ) ring $R$; you should only assume (at our current level of knowledge on the resolution of singularities) that the base field characteristic $p$ is invertible in $R$ (to put Borel-Moore motives into $DM …
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
5 votes

Why would the category of Motives be Tannakian?

Also, Tannakian categories give a possibility of dealing with the category of motives "abstractly". … Lastly, Theorem 4.22 gives a very funny functor from the so-called CM-motives over the algebraic closure of $\mathbb{Q}$ into motives over $\mathbb{F}$; this result crucially depends on the language of …
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar

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