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For questions related to teaching mathematics. For questions in Mathematics Education as a scientific discipline there is also the tag mathematics-education. Note you may also ask your question on

7 votes

Demystifying complex numbers

Another classic I haven't seen mentioned yet is the proof of the Machin formula $$ \frac{\pi}{4} = 4\arctan \frac{1}{5}-\arctan \frac{1}{239}. $$ I honestly don't know a proof of this that avoids comp …
12 votes

Demystifying complex numbers

This is a specific example where complex numbers aid a task in elementary real analysis; I haven't thought about the extent to which it generalizes. In my first year, I was given the task of formally …
14 votes

Why does inconstructibility of $\sqrt[3]{2}$ imply impossibility of cube doubling?

Disclaimer: The following perhaps isn't an answer to your question as stated, so my apologies if this answer is useless to you. However, you're asking for how to treat this problem "honestly", and I t …
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