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3 votes

Coding a function $g:\kappa\to V_{\zeta+1}$ by an element of $V_{\zeta+1}$

Fix a flat pairing function $p : V\times V\to V$. For any infinite ordinal $\alpha$, if $S$ is a binary relation on $V_\alpha$, let $A_S = p[S]$, which is an element of $V_{\alpha+1}$ coding $S$. The …
Gabe Goldberg's user avatar
11 votes

Elementary embeddings and replacement

If $\alpha$ is a limit of $2^\alpha$-supercompact cardinals, then by the Magidor characterization of supercompactness, for each $2^\alpha$-supercompact cardinal $\kappa < \alpha$, for some $\gamma < \ …
Gabe Goldberg's user avatar
11 votes

What is the consistency strength of almost $\omega$-huge cardinals?

Almost $\omega$-huge is equivalent to $\omega$-huge, so it is inconsistent with AC. Closure under $\kappa_n$-sequences plus closure under $\omega$-sequences implies closure under $\delta$-sequences: g …
Gabe Goldberg's user avatar
7 votes

Where does this strengthening of I1 stand?

Suppose $\delta$ is an ordinal. We first note that $\delta$ is an $I_1$-tower cardinal if and only if it has the following superficially weaker property: for all $X\subseteq V_\delta$ there is some $\ …
Gabe Goldberg's user avatar
10 votes

The consistency of $\Sigma_1$-elementary embeddings $j\colon V_{\lambda+2}\to V_{\lambda+2}$...

The answer is no, it is not consistent. If $j : V_{\lambda+2}\to V_{\lambda+2}$ is $\Sigma_1$-elementary, then $\mathcal U = \{A\subseteq P(V_\lambda) : j[V_\lambda]\in j(A)\}$ is a normal fine ultraf …
Gabe Goldberg's user avatar
6 votes

How can we control the cardinality of $j(\kappa)$ for $\kappa$ an $\aleph_1$-strongly compac...

If $2^\gamma \leq \kappa$ for all $\gamma < \kappa$ (e.g., if GCH holds and $\kappa$ is the least $\aleph_1$-strongly compact), then $|j(\kappa)| \geq 2^\lambda$. To see this, let $\sigma = [\text{id} …
Gabe Goldberg's user avatar
9 votes

Finding many subsets of $V_{\lambda+2}$ stable under $j:V\prec V$

There can be no such set $\mathcal A$. In fact, no set $\mathcal A$ with $j(\mathcal A) = \mathcal A$ and $j(x) = x$ for all $x\in \mathcal A$ can surject onto $\kappa$, and this does not require that …
Gabe Goldberg's user avatar
11 votes

If $U,D$ are $\kappa$-complete nonprincipal ultrafilters on $\kappa$ and $j_U(U) = j_D(D)$, ...

It is consistent with ZFC that the answer is no, but under the Ultrapower Axiom, the answer is yes, not only for $\kappa$-complete ultrafilters on $\kappa$, but also for arbitrary countably complete u …
Gabe Goldberg's user avatar
5 votes

Extendibility vs supercompactness

$2$-extendibility reflects $2^\kappa$-supercompactness. It suffices to show that any $2$-extendible $\kappa$ is $2^\kappa$-supercompact. Then if $\mathcal U$ is a normal fine $\kappa$-complete ultrafi …
Gabe Goldberg's user avatar
9 votes

Compatibility of $\mathsf{SVC}$ and Reinhardtness

No, a Reinhardt cardinal implies SVC is false. First, if there is a Reinhardt cardinal, then by Woodin's proof of the Kunen inconsistency theorem, for sufficiently large regular cardinals $\delta$, th …
Gabe Goldberg's user avatar
4 votes

A weak (?) form of Shelah cardinals

To answer the first three questions negatively, the key is to show that measurable weakly Shelah cardinals are limits of weakly Shelah cardinals. To see this, suppose that $\kappa$ is weakly Shelah a …
Gabe Goldberg's user avatar
6 votes

What are the known implications of "There exists a Reinhardt cardinal" in the theory "ZF + j"?

I prove several new consequences of Reinhardt cardinals in my paper "Measurable cardinals and choiceless axioms," some of which are not known to be consistent relative to any weaker theory. TLDR: Theo …
Gabe Goldberg's user avatar
7 votes

Ultrafilter projections and critical points of factor maps

You will always have $N = M$ and $k = \text{id}$. As Joel mentions, this uses Solovay's lemma that $M = H^M(\text{ran}(j)\cup \{\sup j[\lambda]\})$. We can use this to show that $k$ is surjective, by …
Gabe Goldberg's user avatar
11 votes

Follow up question: Shelah's "Can you take Solovay's inaccessible away?"

In any model of ZF, there is a surjection from the reals onto $\omega_1$. So if the $\omega_1$ of $L[x]$ (i.e., $(\omega_1)^{L[x]}$) is uncountable, there is a surjection from the reals of $L[x]$ (i.e …
Gabe Goldberg's user avatar
17 votes

Must there be a proper class of Reinhardt cardinals if there is a Reinhardt cardinal?

No, if the existence of a Reinhardt is consistent, then it is consistent with a Reinhardt cardinal that the class of inaccessible cardinals is bounded in the ordinals. Indeed, if $j : V\to V$ is a non …
Gabe Goldberg's user avatar

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