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Homology of a loop-suspension space and action of $\mathcal{D}_1$-operad
Your space $D_1(X)$ is equivalent to Ioan James' space $JX$ investigated in the 1950's. It is quite easy to directly show that the homology of this is the tensor algebra on the reduced homology of $X …
Conceptual (operadic?) reason for the generalized EHP fiber sequence $J_{q-1}(S^{2n}) \to J ...
In my view, the fact of that this is a fibration sequence is something to be cherished, and I wouldn't think that it generalizes without complication.
Regarding your comments that the James-Hopf ma …
Is the normalized simplicial bar construction of an operad a cooperad?
This is worked out carefully in [Michael Ching, Bar constructions of topological operads and Goodwillie derivatives of the identity, Geometry and Topology 9 (2005), 883-954]. … Koszul duality for operads, Duke Math. J. 76 (1994), no. 1, 203–272] is perhaps the first paper in this area. …
Does Koszul duality between $Comm$ and $Lie$ imply the power series identity $\exp(\ln(1-z))...
Yes. (Mathoverflow won't let me make this my total answer, so ...)
Koszul duality says that a certain chain complex of graded vector spaces is acyclic. Thus the alternating sum of the Poincare serie …
Is there a filtered splitting of product labelling spaces?
The answer to your first question is no. And this can be seen by homology considerations. Note that this equivalence induces an isomorphism of Hopf algebras
$$ H_*(C(\mathbb R; X \vee Y \vee (X\wed …