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Ali Enayat
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Peano Arithmetic and the Field of Rationals

In 1949 Julia Robinson showed the undecidability of the first order theory of the field of rationals by demonstrating that the set of natural numbers $\Bbb{N}$ is first order definable in $(\Bbb{Q}, +, \cdot$).

It is not hard to see that Robinson's result can be reformulated in the following symmetric form.

Theorem A. The structures ($\Bbb{N}, +, \cdot$) and $(\Bbb{Q}, +, \cdot$) are bi-interpretable.

The following generalization of Theorem A is considered folkore (I am not aware of a published reference).

Theorem B. If $(M, +, \cdot)$ is a model of $PA$ (Peano arithmetic), then the field of rationals $\Bbb{Q}^M$ of $(M, +, \cdot)$ is bi-interpretable with $(M, +, \cdot )$.

Let $EFA$ denote the exponential function arithmetic fragment of $PA$, a fragment also known as $I\Delta_{0}+exp$.

Based on a posteriori evidence classical theorems of Number Theory do not require the full power of $PA$ since they can be already verified in $EFA$ (indeed Harvey Friedman has conjectured that even FLT can be verified in $EFA$, with a proof that would be very different from Wiles').

This suggests that in Theorem B one should be able to weaken $PA$ to $EFA$, hence my question:

Question. Is there a published reference for the strengthening of Theorem B, where $PA$ is weakened to $EFA$?

Ali Enayat
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