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David Roberts
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Algorithm for least distance of powers of integers

From Michailescu's theorem (Catalan's conjecture) we have that the only $a,b,m,n \in \mathcal{Z}^{+}$ with $m,n>1$ such that $a^{m} - b^{n} = 1$ are: $a=3$, $b=2$, $m=2$, $n=3$.

  1. Is there an algorithm which, for any $a,b \in \mathcal{Z}^{+}$ finds the minimum of $|a^{m} - b^{n}|$ $\forall m,n \in \mathcal{Z}^{+}$ (with $m,n>1$ )?

  2. Do we know for how many different values of $m,n$ this minimum distance can be achieved?

  3. If we do not have such an algorithm, do we know if this problem is decidable?