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Is completion of measures equivalent to completion of sigma algebras as metric spaces with respect to measures?

An alternative way to get the Lebesgue $\sigma $-algebra $\mathcal{L} $ from the Borel algebra $B$ is to set $E\sim J$ iff $d(E,J):=\lambda(E\mathbin\Delta J)=0$ for $E,J\in B$. Then the completion of $(X,d)$ as a metric space, where $X=B/{\sim}$, is equivalent to completion of $B$.

My question is: Are there known generalizations? Given a measure space $(X,\Sigma ,\mu)$, what are the conditions on $X$ and $\Sigma$ so that the completion of the measure space is equivalent to the completion of $M := \Sigma/{\sim}$ as a metric space, with $\sim $ as above? Do we have to use the symmetric difference to define $d$ on $M$?