Recently, I was watching an interview that John Conway did with Numberphile. By the end of the video, Brady Haran asked John:
If you were to come back a hundred years after your death, what problem would you like to know about ?
John replied:
I would really like to know why the Monster Group exists.
From what I have read, it seems like research has moved on toward exploring the connections between the monster moonshine conjectures and other fields such as conformal field theory. I do know that Conway didn't particularly like the idea of the existence having to do with CFT, e.g.,
- Siobhan Roberts, Curiosities: pursuing the Monster. What lies beneath a structure with an unimaginable 196,883 dimensions?, IAS, 2013
Therefore, I am trying to understand what he means by "why". I couldn't really find any papers where he further went into the question, why can't the existence of the group be a coincidence? Have there been any further developments in relation to this question?