Let $\tau_k$ denote the number of steps for discrete time simple RW on the integers (started at 0) to exit the interval $[-k,k]$. Let $\gamma:=\cos(\frac{\pi}{2k+2})$ so that $\lambda=1-\gamma$. The formula in [1] page 243, line -5, gives (bounding the alternating series there by twice the first term and using $\cot(x) \le 1/\sin(x) \le \pi/(2x)$ for $x\in[0,\pi/2]$ ) that $$P[\tau_k>n] \le 8\gamma^n \,.$$ The estimate for continuous time RW follows: $$P[T_k>q] \le \sum_n P[{\rm Poisson}(q)=n] \cdot P[\tau_k>n] \,$$ whence $$P[T_k>q] \le \sum_n \frac{q^n e^{-q}}{n!}\cdot 8\gamma^n =8e^{q\gamma-q}=8e^{-q\lambda}\,.$$
[1] Spitzer, Frank. Principles of random walk. GTM Vol. 34. Second edition, Springer.