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Ali Taghavi
  • 356
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  • 123

(Noncommutative) Tietzeh $C^*$ algebras

A unital $C^*$ algebra $A$ is said a Tietze algebra if it satisfies the following:

For every ideal $I$ of $A$ and every unital morphism $\phi: C[0,1] \to A/I$ there is a unital morphism $\tilde{\phi}:C[0,1] \to A$ with $\phi=q\circ \tilde{\phi}$ where $q:A\to A/I$ is the quotion map.

Obviousely every commutative algebra is a Tietze algebra. But what is an example of non Tietze algebra? Furthermore: Is the familly of Tietze algebras closed under the minimal or Maximal $C^*$ tensor product?

Ali Taghavi
  • 356
  • 8
  • 31
  • 123