I'm looking for an elementary combinatorial/generating function/etc proof of the following result:
For nonnegative integers $r$,
$$\frac{1}{r!} = \sum_{p_0+p_1+\cdots = r} \frac{1}{(p_0!)^2(p_1!)^2\cdots{p_0+p_1+1\choose 1}{p_1+p_2+2\choose 2}{p_2+p_3+3\choose 3}\cdots}.$$
Here the sum is over all ordered sets of nonnegative integers $(p_0,p_1,...)$ with sum $r$. (Only finitely many will be nonzero for each specific ordered set.)
It is related to a result of Diaconis and Shahshahani that the trace of a random unitary matrix (with probability measure being given by the Haar measure) is distributed like a Gaussian variable, and indeed can be proven using this result, but I had initially hoped to proceed in the other direction. The above sum, after all, can be evaluated for specific $r$ by inspection (although this rapdily becomes a bit tedious for $r > 2$), and it ought to be possible to somehow summarize this information in a general.
Alternatively phrased, we want
$$e^x = \sum_{p_0,p_1,.. = 0}^\infty \frac{x^{p_0+p_1+\cdots}}{\left(\prod_{j \geq 0}(p_j!)^2\right)\cdot\left(\prod_{k\geq 1}{p_{k-1}+p_k+k\choose k}\right)}$$