Part I.
Say $K$ is a number field, $v$ is a finite place of $K$, $K_v$ the $v$-adic completion of $K$.
We have the local Artin map for every finite $v$:
$$\rho_v : K_v^{\times}\to\text{Gal}(K_v^{\rm ab}/K_v)$$
sending $\varpi_v$, a generator of the copy of $\mathbf{Z}$ in $K_v^{\times}$, to the Frobenius element in $\text{Gal}(K_v^{\rm unr}/K_v)$, and sending $\mathcal{O}_v^{\times}$ isomorphically onto $\text{Gal}(K_v^{\rm LT}/K_v)$, where $K_v^{\rm LT}$ is the Lubin-Tate extension of $K_v$, with $K_v^{\rm LT}\cdot K_v^{\rm unr} = K_v^{\rm ab}$.
The completion map $K\to K_v$ induces an injective map $$\alpha_v : \text{Gal}(K_v^{\rm ab}/K_v)\to\text{Gal}(K^{\rm ab}/K)$$
Let's call $c_v$ the map $K^{\times}\to K_v^{\times}$ induced by completion.
We consider the composition:
$$\mu_v := \alpha_v\circ\rho_v\circ c_v : K^{\times}\to\text{Gal}(K^{\rm ab}/K).$$
$\mu_v$ can be made independent of all choices (since $\rho_v$ can).
Can one give a fairly explicit description of $\mu_v$?
(What I have in mind when I say "explicit description" is, for instance, this: I'd guess $\mu_v^{-1}(\text{Frob}_v) = \{x\in K^{\times}\mid v(x)>0\}$, for $\text{Frob}_v$ the Frobenius element at $v$ in $\text{Gal}(K^{\rm ab}/K)$, and this ought to essentially describe $\mu_v$ "exhaustively enough" by Chebotarev)
Part II.
Is there a "higher dimensional analogue" of Part I?
For instance, for a smooth projective connected variety over a number field $X$, we call $Z_0(X)$ the free abelian group of $0$-cycles on $X$, and define:
$$\rho: Z_0(X)\to\pi_1^{\rm {e}t}(X,\bar{x})^{\rm ab}$$
by sending $x\in Z_0(X)$ to the Frobenius element $\text{Frob}_x$ at $x$, and extend by $\mathbf{Z}$-linearity. Can one describe the fibers of $\rho$ fairly explicitly? and would the fibers over Frobenius elements suffice by a higher dimensional version of Chebotarev?