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Entropy inequality

Let P,Q be probabilities on a finite set A with Q(a)>0, for all a\in A, and let H(P),H(Q), denote the entropy and Kullback-Leibler distance respectively.

Is it always true that

H(P)+D(P||Q) >= H(Q) ?

This comes up in the theory of types where it is strongly suggested by some interpretations. However it reduces to

\sum_{a\in A} Q(a)log(Q(a)) >= \sum_{a\in A} P(a)log(Q(a))

which is not the "right" inequality which one usually runs into, namely

\sum_{a\in A} Q(a)log(Q(a)) >= \sum_{a\in A} Q(a)log(P(a)) (i.e. D(Q||P))>=0).

Nonetheless it may or may not be true. Have you seen it or can you prove or disprove it?