In number theory there are several operators like addition, multiplication and exponentiation defined from $\omega\times\omega$ to $\omega$. Each of them is defined as an iteration of the other. The sequence of building such iterated operators can go further to define faster and faster hyperoperators. The first of them is tetration which is defined as iterated exponentiation. Let $m\uparrow n$ denote the tetration of $m$ and $n$ that is $\underbrace{m^{m^{m^{.^{.^{.}}}}}}_{n - times}$. This operator appears in several interesting occasions in logic, computations and combiantorics, for example see these Wikipedia articles on Graham's number, Ackermann's function, busy Beaver function and Chaitin's incompleteness theorem.
Now consider the infinitary case. In set theory addition, multiplication and exponentiation are defined for cardinal numbers.
Question. What about $\kappa\uparrow\lambda$? How should we define this?
Intuitively, we expect to define $\aleph_0\uparrow\aleph_0$ to be $\aleph_0^{\aleph_0^{\aleph_0^{.^{.^{.}}}}}.$
But this intuitive definition of tetration has some counter-intuitive properties, as then we expect to have $\aleph_0^{(\aleph_0\uparrow\aleph_0)}=\aleph_0\uparrow\aleph_0$ which is impossible by Cantor's theorem which says $\forall \kappa\geq\aleph_0\;\;\;\aleph_0^{\kappa}>\kappa$.