Let $k$ be an algebraic closure of a finite field, $\ell \neq \mathrm{Char}(k)$ be prime, $S/k$ a smooth projective geometrically connected surface and $C/k$ a smooth ample connected hypersurface section of $S$. Let $\mathscr{A}/S$ be an Abelian scheme.
Are there good cases when the injection $\mathscr{A}(S)/\ell^n \hookrightarrow \mathscr{A}(C) /\ell^n$ is surjective?
If $\mathrm{rk} \mathscr{A}(C) = 0$, this holds true since the $\ell^n$-torsion subgroups of $\mathscr{A}(S)$ and $\mathscr{A}(C)$ are (always) isomorphic. $\mathrm{rk} \mathscr{A}(C) = 0$ is e.g. the case if $C \cong \mathbf{P}^1_k$ and $\mathscr{A}/C$ is constant.