I'm looking for the origins of the isotopy extension theorem in categories other than the smooth category.
Precisely, in the smooth category, the isotopy extension theorem says that if $f : [0,1] \times M \to N$ is a smooth 1-parameter family of embeddings (with $N$ boundaryless, and $M$ compact) then there exists $F : [0,1] \times N \to N$ a smooth $1$-parameter family of diffeomorphisms so that $F(0, \cdot) = Id_N$ and $F(t,f(0,x)) = F(t,x)$ for all $(t,x) \in [0,1] \times M$. This was seen to be a "very natural" theorem by Palais, with the generalization stating that the restriction map $Diff(N) \to Emb(M,N)$ was not only a Serre fibration but a locally trivial fibre bundle. In this ideal case, the references are:
Palais, Richard S. Local triviality of the restriction map for embeddings. Comment. Math. Helv. 34 1960 305–312.
E. L. Lima, On the local triviality of the restriction map for embeddings, Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici Volume 38, Number 1, pp 163-164.
Let $Aut(N)$ be the automorphisms of the manifold $N$ in whichever category of manifolds it lives in (topological, $PL$ or smooth). My understanding is its known that the restriction map
$$Aut(N) \to Emb(M,N)$$
is known to be a Serre fibration provided $N$ is a co-dimension $0$ submanifold of $N$, in any of the above three manifold categories.
My questions:
Q1: Where were these results first proven in the PL and TOP cases? Are they known for all dimensions?
Q2: If one allows $M$ to have co-dimension $> 0$, what is known about this map being or not being a fibration?
I'm in the process of trying to both learn the basics and get an overview of smoothing theory. Any help is appreciated.