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The solvability of a Hölder ODE

The problem is follow, I want to know weather there is a function $u\in \text{C}^{0}\left((-1,1)\right)$ but not $\text{C}^1((-1,1))$, such that $\lim\limits_{h\rightarrow 0^+}\frac{u(x+h)-u(x)}{\left|h\right|^{1/2}}=\sqrt{|x|},\forall x\in(-1,1)$.

I get this problem while constructing a counterexample for the problem:

If $\alpha+\beta=1,u\in\text{C}^{0,\alpha}(\Omega),$and $v=\frac{u(x+he)-u(x)}{|h|}\in\text{C}^{0,\beta}(\Omega)$,where $e$ is a unit vector and $h$ is a small real number, then $u \in\text{C}^1(\Omega)$.