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Martin Rubey
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The number of lattice paths below y=n/m x for gcd(m,n) = 1

The motivation of my question is the recent preprent of Armstrong, Rhoades and Williams on rational Catalan combinatorics.

An important starting point of this paper is the fact that the number of lattice paths with steps $(1,0)$ and $(0,1)$ from the origin to $(m,n)$, where $gcd(m,n)=1$ weakly below the diagonal $y=\frac{n}{m} x$ equals $$ \frac{1}{m+n}\binom{m+n}{m}. $$

This can be proved (as done by Bizley, by considering all cyclic permutations of each path from the origin to $(m,n)$ and demonstrating that among these there is exactly one path below the diagonal.

I would like to know of any other proof of this fact, for example using generatingfunctionology.

One approach I looked at (from the paper by Gessel and Ree extends the recurrence $B(m,n)=B(m,n-1)+B(m-1,n)$ to all of $\mathbb N^2$ and then uses suitable initial values $B(m,0)$ and $B(0,n)$ to obtain generating functions for paths below $y=\frac{1}{m} x$. But it seems that the initial values for the general case are unpleasant.

Martin Rubey
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