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Probability of a submatrix to be full rank in a N x N Random Matrix of rank m.

Consider a random matrix $\mathbf{A} \in \mathbb{C}^{N \times N}$ of rank $m$ with $m < N$ that follows the Wishart distribution ( ).

I have a feeling that any submatrix that has $m$ columns is going to have rank $m$ with probability 1. Might be obvious to some of you in this forum but I would really like your help.

I found this work ( ) that gives the density function of a Wishart matrix of rank $m$, ($m < N$) but after that I dont know how to show that any submatrix will also have rank $m$.

If the rank of the matris is $1$ then obviously any 1-column vector has rank 1 (a.s.). But, lets say that the rank is $2$. If I take any two column vectors, I believe that the probability that the first is going to be a linear combination of the second has measure 0. Is this obvious?

Actually, I am not sure whether the Wishart distribution makes any difference to the problem. Probably in the case of a random matrix distributed according a continuous density function (lets say gaussian random matrix) similar statements should hold.

Thank you very much for any references, ideas, suggestions.
