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Alexander Chervov
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How to find next to optimal path in hidden Markov model or what should be LIST-Viterbi algorithm ?

The Viterbi algorithm is an algorithm for finding the most likely sequence of hidden states – called the Viterbi path.

Question If I am interested in list of several paths - optimal, sub-optimal, sub-sub-optimal etc... what should I do ? Are there some algorithms to solve it or to prove that this is hard (NP ?) problem ?

There is naive way - actually Viterbi algorithm on each step keeps S paths (S-number of states), so at the final step we can choose list of candidates from these S paths. But it will not give actually sub-optimal paths. The problem is rather clear - these paths will be different only for time moments near to the end and same at the begining - so if actual sub-extremum is different at first positions, then we will never find it.

Motivation Consider the error-correcting code (used e.g. in GSM) which is two-step coding: 1) Add CRC 2) make convolutional coding.

The decoding for this code can be like this 1) List Viterbi for convolutional part 2) Check if any result satisy CRC constraint.

Alexander Chervov
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