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Kleene normal form theorem for r.e. relations proven in arithmetical theories

After reading the relevant chapters of Classical Recursion Theory (freely available from here), I have the following questions concerning Theorem II.1.10 (Normal form theorem) and Theorem IV.1.9 (...
CBuch's user avatar
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Why doesn't $\mathsf{B}\Sigma_2$ hold in $\mathsf{RCA}_0$?

For a formula $\varphi(i,u)$ of arithmetic, the bounding principle for $\varphi$ is the statement $$\forall m \, \Big( \big( \forall i<m\ \exists u\ \varphi(i,u) \big) \to \big( \exists v\ \forall ...
Jordan Barrett's user avatar
11 votes
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What is the Turing degree of the monadic theory of the real line?

The monadic theory of the real line is the set of all sentences in the monadic second-order language of order which are true in $\mathbb{R}$. In this 1982 paper, Gurevich and Shelah show that true ...
Keshav Srinivasan's user avatar
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The "higher topology" of countable Scott sets

Fix some computable bijection $b$ between $\omega$ and $2^{<\omega}$. For $r\in 2^\omega$, let $$[r]=\{f\in 2^\omega: \forall\sigma\prec f(b^{-1}(\sigma)\in r)\}$$ be the closed subset of Cantor ...
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