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Questions tagged [spanier-whitehead-duality]

2 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Compatible algebraic Spanier-Whitehead dual

Let me first ask an intuitive version of the question: Let $Sp$ be the homotopy category of spectra. Let $E$ be a ring spectrum. Let $$D:Sp \to Sp$$ be the Spanier-Whitehead dual functor (maybe we ...
Prasit's user avatar
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Terminology for equivariant homology

The usual $G$-equivariant homology and cohomology groups of a space $X$ with $G$-action are given by the Borel construction: $$H_\ast^G(X)=H_\ast((X\times EG)/G),$$ $$H^\ast_G(X)=H^\ast((X\times EG)/G)...
John Pardon's user avatar
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