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Cohomology of bisimplicial set is the cohomology of the total simplicial set?

Given a bisimplicial manifold (or set, topological space) there is the bar construction, which assigns to it a simplicial manifold, called the total simplicial manifold. Now stepping back for a moment,...
Josh Lackman's user avatar
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The exactness of the associated chain complex of a simplicial free abelian group over a finite set and the normalization theorem

Update: Now I know why my method fails. But I still wanna know how to work out the original question, that is to show the exactness of the chain complex $C_*(X)$ except for two positions $n=0,N-1$. ...
XYC's user avatar
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Does $\mathbf{Top}$ admit a simplicial structure

A simplicial category $\mathcal{C}$ is an $\mathbf{sSet}$-enriched category which is bitensored, in that the functors $\mathbf{Map}(-,X)$ and $\mathbf{Map}(X,-)$ admit left adjoints for every $X\in \...
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