A simplicial category $\mathcal{C}$ is an $\mathbf{sSet}$-enriched category which is bitensored, in that the functors $\mathbf{Map}(-,X)$ and $\mathbf{Map}(X,-)$ admit left adjoints for every $X\in \mathcal{C}$.
It is mentioned on page 114 in Model Categories that the category of topological spaces does not admit a simplicial model structure, with respect to the above definition. On the other hand, Example 9.1.45 in Model Categories and Their Localizations states that it does, and it defines the simplicial structure.
Which statement is correct?
I think the obstruction to the existence of such structure is the existence of exponentials $X^{\mid K\mid}$ for every $X\in \mathbf{Top}$ and $K\in \mathbf{sSet}$. So,
is there an example of a simplicial set whose geometric realisation is not locally compact?