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Equations needed to define a normal complex surface singularity

This questions is highly related with this other question of mine: Irreducible surface singularity that is not a local set-theoretical complete intersection I just thought that a different look at the ...
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Concerning the definition of a class of functions introduced by Nilsson

In the paper 'Some growth and ramification properties of certain integrals on algebraic manifolds' by Nilsson we find the following definitions: My question is how does one prove the remark "It ...
ResearchMath's user avatar
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When a strictly positive log pluriharmonic function $g$ is equal to the norm of holomorphic function?

Suppose $V$ is a local analytic variety (singular). Suppose $g$ a strictly positive log pluriharmonic function on $V$, i.e. $\log g$ is pluriharmonic. I wonder when $g=|f|^2$, where $f$ is a ...
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