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Heuristic interpretations of the PA-unprovability of Goodstein's Theorem

I've relatively recently learned about Goodstein's Theorem and its unprovability in Peano arithmetic (the Kirby-Paris Theorem). I do not have any real knowledge of formal logic; but I think I've seen ...
Julian Newman's user avatar
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What's Reeb's take on naive integers?

Georges Reeb's "claim Q" is the statement that "naive integers don't fill up $\mathbb{N}$". To anyone familiar with model theory this could easily be interpreted as the existence of nonstandard models ...
Mikhail Katz's user avatar
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"Interesting" properties of sets of natural numbers

On Wikipedia, there is a list of properties of sets of reals, which are in some sense "interesting": just have a look. I could not find a comparable list of properties of sets of natural numbers (...