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1 answer

How to solve this exercise about large countable ordinals?

In this note (Notes on Higher Type ITTM-recursion, 2021) written by Philip Welch, I'm trying to solve exercise 3.5(i), but I don't know how to solve it. The problem is: assume that $L_{\gamma_0}<_{...
Reflecting_Ordinal's user avatar
17 votes
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End-extension which Mostowski collapses a fake well ordering

Assume $\alpha$ is admissible, $R\in L_\alpha$ is a linear order that don't have any infinite descending chain in $L_\alpha$. Is there always an end extension $M$ of $L_\alpha$, such that $M\vDash KP$ ...
Reflecting_Ordinal's user avatar
6 votes
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Parameter-free effective cardinals

In the paper "Effective cardinals and determinacy in third order arithmetic" by Juan Aguilera, effective cardinals is defined. I'm curious about its little variation, parameter-free ...
Reflecting_Ordinal's user avatar
2 votes
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Is stable ordinals in non-well-founded model the same as well founded models?

Let $BST$ be the axiom system $KP$ - $\Delta_0$ collection. For an ordinal $\alpha$, we say that $\alpha$ is $\varphi$-$\Sigma_n$-stable, if there is a $\beta>\alpha$ satisfies the formula $φ$ such ...
Reflecting_Ordinal's user avatar
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Recursively inaccessible ordinals and non locally countable ordinals

This answer seems to imply that: for an ordinal $\alpha$, to be recursively inaccessible (i.e. $\alpha$ is admissible and limit of admissible) implies to be not locally countable (i.e. $L_\alpha \...
Johan's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Elementary countable submodels in Gödel's universe

By the downward Lowenheim-Skölem theorem we can find two countable ordinals $\alpha < \beta$ such that $L_\alpha \prec L_{\omega_1}$ and $L_\beta \prec L_{\omega_1}$. That is, $L_\alpha$ and $L_\...
Johan's user avatar
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Can we have a proper class of infinitely descending infinite ordinals?

Working in $\sf ZF-Reg.$, can we have a transitive model $M$ of $\sf ZF$ such that there exists a proper class (i.e. a subset of $M$ that is not an element of $M$) of infinitely descending infinite ...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Can countable ordinals start gaps of every order in the constructible universe?

Define "$\alpha$ starts a gap of order $n+1$ and length $\beta$" iff $\mathcal P^n(\omega)\cap (L_{\alpha+\beta}\setminus L_\alpha)=\emptyset\land\forall\gamma\in\alpha: L_\alpha\setminus L_\...
Boris Dimitrov's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Smallest ordinal modelling $\aleph_1$?

Let $X_1$ be the class of all ordinals $\alpha$ such that there exists a transitive model $M$ of ZF(C) such that $M$ thinks that $\alpha$ is $\aleph_1$. Every class of ordinals has a minimum element (...
Dylan Pizzo's user avatar