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Morita equivalence and connectivity

Let $A, B$ be Morita equivalent $\mathbb{E}_1$-ring spectra. Fix an an $(A, B)$-bimodule $P$ and a $(B, A)$-bimodule $Q$ such that $P \otimes_B Q \cong A$ and $Q \otimes_A P \cong B$. If $A$ is ...
Brendan Murphy's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Why did Ravenel define a ring spectrum to be flat if its smash-square splits into copies of itself?

In appendix A.2 of the orange book, Ravenel defines a ring spectrum $E$ to be flat if $E\wedge E$ is equivalent to a coproduct of suspensions of $E$. (Call this definition (1).) I've seen this ...
Doron Grossman-Naples's user avatar
5 votes
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Ring spectra structures on a certain spectral analogue of $\mathbb{Z}/2$

We can characterise $\mathbb{Z}$ and $\mathbb{Z}/2$ as the corepresenting abelian groups of the functors \begin{align*} \mathsf{Forget} &\colon \mathsf{Ab} \to \mathsf{Sets},\\ \mathrm{Inv}...
Emily's user avatar
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18 votes
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Is the $\infty$-category of spectra “convenient”?

A 1991 paper of Lewis, titled “Is there a convenient category of spectra?” proves that there is no category $\mathrm{Sp}$ satisfying the following desiderata$^1$: There is a symmetric monoidal smash ...
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