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Semisimplicity of algebras in fusion categories

Let $\mathcal{C}$ be a fusion category and $A \in \mathcal{C}$ be an algebra object. We say that $A$ is semisimple if its category of (right) modules $\mathsf{mod}_A(\mathcal{C})$ is a semisimple ...
AffSch's user avatar
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How to define $U_q \mathfrak{g}$ without generators and relations?

I'm trying to learn something about quantum groups. The related definitions tend to consist of formulas which are not extremely intuitive, on the first glance. So I wonder how the amount of formulas ...
igorf's user avatar
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Hopf algebra with a non-invertible antipode

What is an example of a Hopf algebra with a non-invertible antipode?
Adam Bondal's user avatar
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Indecomposable comodules

For a Hopf algebra $A$, we say that a comodule $V$ is indecomposable if it is not equivalent to a direct sum of irreducible comodules. $\bullet$ What is an example of a finite dimensional ...
johhnyelgerton's user avatar
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What is a coalgebra?

A coalgebra is a triple $(A,\Delta,\epsilon)$ consisting of a vector space, a coproduct, and a counit. Now as we all know, just like the unit in an algebra, the counit of a coalgebra is unique, i.e. ...
johhnyelgerton's user avatar
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Classifying Hopf algebras that admit a single irreducible comodule

Is it possible to classify Hopf algebras $H$, over a field $k$, which admit a unique (up to isomorphism) irreducible comodule, namely the trivial $1$-dim comodule $$ k \to k \otimes H, ~~ k \mapsto k ...
Spyros Olympopolous's user avatar
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Low dimensional noncommutative non-cocommutative Hopf algebras

Sweedler's Hopf algebra (see here) is the lowest dimesnional ($4$-dimensional) Hopf algebra that is noncommutative and non-cocommutative. What are the next examples? Are there noncommutative, ...
Quin Appleby's user avatar
18 votes
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Why does Drinfeld Unitarization work?

In Drinfeld's paper "Quasi-Hopf Algebras" he illuminates a process by which you can replace the $R \in A \otimes A$ associated to a quasi-Hopf QUE-algebra $(A, \Delta, \varepsilon, \Phi)$ ...
Olivia Borghi's user avatar
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About extensions between morphisms on the multiplier algebra

Let $A$ be a non-degenerate algebra and let $\Delta: A \to M(A \otimes A)$ be a non-degenerate morphism. We can extend the algebra morphism $$\iota \otimes \Delta: M(A \otimes A) \to M(A \otimes A \...
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Non-degeneracy of comultiplication (multiplier Hopf algebras)

Consider the following fragment from the paper "Multiplier Hopf-algebras" by Van Daele. Can someone explain how the coassociativity in definition 2.2 (ii) and the requirement $(\Delta \...
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Antipode on a multiplier Hopf-algebra

Probably an easy question, but here goes: I'm reading the paper Multiplier Hopf algebras by Van Daele. Let $(A, \Delta)$ be a multiplier Hopf algebra. Let $L(A), R(A), M(A)$ be the left, right and ...
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A comodule algebra map from a Hopf algebra to itself

Let $H$ be a cosemisimple Hopf algebra (or just a bialgebra). Considering $H$ as a left $H$-comodule (i.e. take $\Delta_H$ to be the coaction), can there exist a (non-identity) algebra map $\sigma:H \...
Jake Wetlock's user avatar
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Definition of multiplier bialgebra

Consider the following fragments from "An invitation to quantum groups and duality" by Timmerman: Question: In remark 2.1.6 (ii), it is stated that the homomorphism $\Delta\otimes \text{id}:...
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Covariant splittings of Hopf algebra projections

What is an example of a pair of Hopf algebras $(A,B)$ with a surjective Hopf algebra map $\phi:A \to B$ such that $\phi$ does not admit a $B$-bi-comodule splitting $s:B \to A$? To be clear, the right $...
Jake Wetlock's user avatar
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Confusion around the reflection equation algebra

I have encountered several occurrences of the so called reflection equation algebra (REA) but depending on where I find them, I feel like I get slightly different objects. In all cases there is a ...
Vik S.'s user avatar
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12 votes
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Axiomatic definition of quantum groups

This is a question I've discussed with a lot of mathematicians, and have read some mathematical texts about, and watched some conference talks about: what is, axiomatically, a quantum group? There are ...
jg1896's user avatar
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3 answers

Coinvariants of tensor products of Hopf algebras

Let $G$ be a Hopf algebra, considered as a right $G$-comodule in the obvious way. The axioms of Hopf algebras imply that $$ G^{\operatorname{coinv}(G)} == \{g \in G : \Delta(g) = g \otimes 1\} = \...
Todd Claymore's user avatar
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Irreducibility of product bicomodules

Let $H$ be a Hopf algebra, and $V$ and $W$ a left, and a right, $H$-comodule respectively. The tensor product $$ V \otimes W $$ has an obvious $H$-$H$-bicomodule structure. If $V$ and $W$ are ...
Jake Wetlock's user avatar
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Characters on Hopf algebras

For any algebra $A$, a character for $A$ is a non-zero algebra map $c:A \to \mathbb{C}$. For $H$ be a Hopf algebra, a character is given by $\epsilon:H \to \mathbb{C}$ the counit of $H$. I am looking ...
Fofi Konstantopoulou's user avatar
10 votes
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Functoriality of the Hopf dual

Given Hopf $\mathbb{C}$-algebra $H$, it's Hopf dual $H^o$ is the largest Hopf algebra contained in $H^*$, the $\mathbb{C}$-linear dual of $H$. (This is well known to be well-defined, see for example ...
Nadia SUSY's user avatar
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Module algebras and comodule algebras

Let $H$ be a Hopf algebra and $A$ an algebra. Let $H^*$ be the dual Hopf algebra of $H$. Then by Proposition 1.6.11 in the book Foundations of Quantum Group Theory by Shahn Majid, $A$ is a right $H$-...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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Are braided commutators primitive elements of a braided Hopf algebra?

Let $H$ be a braided Hopf algebra. The multiplication on $H \otimes H$ is defined by $(a \otimes b)(c \otimes d) = a \Psi(b \otimes c) d$, $a,b,c,d \in H$. Let $H = T(V)$. There is a algebra map $\...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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Comodules of Cosemisimple Hopf Algebras

A cosemisimple Hopf algebra is one which is the sum of its cosimple sub-cobalgebras. Is it clear that a comodule of a cosemisimple Hopf algebra always decomposes into irreducible parts? Moreover, will ...
Dyke Acland's user avatar
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Definition of a cosemisimple Hopf algebra

A cosemisimple Hopf algebra is usually defined to a Hopf algebra which is the sum of its cosimple subcoalgebras. Does this definition assume that each cosimple subcoalgebra appears only once in the ...
Lars Pettersen's user avatar
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Cosemi-simple FRT Hopf Algebras

This question is a somewhere similar variation on an old question of mine. Given an FRT-algebra, which is to say, roughly, that it can be constructed from an R-matrix in the Yang--Baxter sense (see ...
Abo Kutis-Felan's user avatar
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How to compute the abelianization of the representation theory of a Hopf algebra?

I will ask two versions of my question, which probably aren't precisely the same, and I am also interested in hearing about nuances between the two. Version 1: Let $(C,\otimes)$ be any monoidal ...
Theo Johnson-Freyd's user avatar
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$H$-Hopf modules equal the tensor products of their coinvariants with H

In a comment for this old question, it was said that > There is a theorem that Hopf modules are (up to isomorphism) the tensor products of their coinvariants with H. (This theorem is usually worded ...
Abtan Massini's user avatar
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Given an algebra, can it be realized as a block of a Hopf algebra?

During a classification problem I came across a set of algebras given as the path algebra of a quiver with relations. As an example the local ones: $k\langle x,y\rangle/x^2,y^2, xy-qyx$, where $q\in k$...
Julian Kuelshammer's user avatar
5 votes
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a question about finite dimensional representation of a Hopf algebra

Let $H$ be a Hopf algebra over a field $k$ and $V$ a finite dimensional left $H$-module. Then $End_{k}(V)$ is a right $H$-module via $(f\cdot h)(v)=S(h_{1})f(h_{2}\cdot v)$. We set $Ann(End_{k}(V))$={...
3 votes
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What happens geometrically when you take associated-graded (or complete, ...) of a group ring at its augmentation ideal?

I am interested in the following functor from Monoids (in $\text{Set}$) to Graded Lie Algebras (over a fixed field of characteristic $0$). (By "graded" I mean only that my Lie algebras have some ...
Theo Johnson-Freyd's user avatar