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9 votes
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Case study: what does it take to formulate and prove Quillen's small object argument in ZFC?

I'm getting a bit lost over at Peter Scholze's interesting question about removing the dependence on universes from theorems in category theory. In particular, I'm being forced to admit that I don't ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

Raising the index of accessibility

In the standard reference books Locally presentable and accessible categories (Adamek-Rosicky, Theorem 2.11) and Accessible categories (Makkai-Pare, $\S$2.3), it is shown that for regular cardinals $\...
Mike Shulman's user avatar
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7 votes
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Locally presentable categories, universes, and Vopenka's principle

Some aspects of the theory of locally presentable categories depends on set-theoretic assumptions. Namely, a large cardinal axiom known as Vopenka's principle implies several nice properties of such ...
Valery Isaev's user avatar
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Orthogonality relations and accessibility?

Suppose I have a pair of locally presentable categories connected by an accessible functor. Then the preimage of an accessible subcategory of the codomain is an accessible subcategory of the domain. ...
Emily Riehl's user avatar
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