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Smooth sub-orbifolds in the language of stacks

In most geometric categories, "monomorphism" is too general to describe useful notions of "embedding". This is the case e.g. for schemes, complex manifolds, and differentiable manifolds. So "embedding"...
Qfwfq's user avatar
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manifold branched covering space for orbifolds

An orbifold structure on some topological space $X$ is a covering of $X$ with local quotient charts $V/G$, where $V$ is some connected manifold and $G$ effectively acts on $V$ via a finite group of ...
Mohammad Farajzadeh-Tehrani's user avatar
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Does any smooth oriented closed orbifold have a fundamental class

This thread:triangulation of orbifolds has shown that any smooth closed orbifold has a triangulation. My further question is: if the difference of any two triangulations $P$ and $Q$ is a boundary of a ...
Hao Yu's user avatar
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Pseudo-Euclidean orbifolds

Are there any papers (reviews) devoted mainly to pseudo-Euclidean orbifolds in mathematics and physics (e.g. string theory)? A more specific question is related to orbifolds of type $\mathbb R^{1,4m-3}...
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