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Quantum scattering experiments: C-modules, N-modules and their monads

I am working on a theory of particle physics where we use monads. I have a few conjectures that I need to check. The category of $\mathbb{C}$-modules is monadic over set The category of $\mathbb{N}$...
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Multiset or Bag monad on Finite-Dimensional Hilbert Spaces

Edit: I will be happy if someone can get me the Bag monad on a 2-category of groupoids, regardless of any reference to Hilbert Spaces. (It's a fire sale!!) I am trying to create the quantum ...
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Is this Frobenius Monad left exact? Does it preserve equalizers?

In this paper we see a Frobenius Monad in example 5.2. Suppose we take Hilb as the underlying category. Is this functor left exact? Does it preserve equalizers?
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Domain Monad on Density Operators Using Spectral Order

The spectral order for density operators is given in this paper Coecke Martin 2010. I won't give the full definition here. Essentially, it allows for a partial order of density matrices that forms a ...
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The MultiSet (Bag) Monad on FinHilb

It was recently brought to my attention that the Bag monad, also known as the MultiSet monad, is not polynomial on Set, but is Polynomial on the category of Groupoids, 3.10 Examples. I then started ...
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