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Reduce the asymptotic variance for a class of Metropolis-Hasting estimates

I'm running the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm with state space $E$, target distribution $\mu=p\lambda$ and proposal kernel $Q$ to estimate $\mu(hf)$ for a fixed function $f:E\to[0,\infty)^3$ and a ...
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Superlinear Convergence of a Markov Chain

Suppose that we have a Markov process $\{Z_t\}_{t=0}^\infty$, where $Z_t \geq 0$ for any $t$. Assume that, conditioning on $Z_t = z_t$, we have $ \mathbb{E}\{Z_{t+1}|Z_t = z_t\} \leq \kappa z_t^2 $. ...
Minkov's user avatar
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An optimization in Markov Chain

We are given two correlated random variables $V$ and $X$ supported over a finite alphabets $\mathcal{V}$ and $\mathcal{X}$. Suppose the marginal $P_V$ and conditional distribution $P_{X|V}$ are ...
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Supremum in a Markov chain model

A Markov chain $X$ with finite state space $\{1,2,\cdots,N\}$ is defined on a probability space $(\Omega, P, \mathcal{F})$ equiped with filtration $\{\mathcal{F}_t\}$. And we assume that we can reach ...
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maximum variance unfolding

Consider positive weights $\pi_1, \ldots, \pi_n$ (one can suppose that they add up to $1$) and $n-1$ lengths $d_1, \ldots, d_{n-1}$. Is there an analytical solution to the following problem: find the ...
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