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Loop space in Topological sense v.s. Categorical sense

I know that the loop space of given pointed topological space $(X,\ast)$ is the set of pointed maps $\mathrm{Map}_\ast(S^1,X)$. I would denote it by $\Omega X$. On the other hand, I saw an article in ...
Y. S's user avatar
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Adjoint map of $\Gamma$-space prespectrum

I am looking for a reader-friendly proof of the following theorem: let $A$ be a special $\Gamma$-space then $\pi_0(A(S^0))$ is a commutative monoid (I have proved up to this), if further it is an ...
PhysicsMath's user avatar
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What is the delooping of a looping?

What is $\mathbf{B}\Omega A$, where $A$ is a pointed object of an $(\infty,1)$ category with point $*\to A$, $\Omega A$ is the loop space of $A$, and $\mathbf{B}X$ is the delooping of $X$? The ...
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looping and delooping spaces and categories

I'm trying to understand the relationship between the notions of looping and delooping in category theory and topology. The morphisms in a category with one object have the structure of a monoid. ...
ziggurism's user avatar
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Is there an algebraic "derived mapping space" construction that encompasses both Hochschild homology and loop spaces of non-simply-connected spaces?

I'm looking for directions to the literature that might contain fairly explicit constructions that might be called (the algebra of functions on) the "derived mapping space" from a simplicial set to a ...
Theo Johnson-Freyd's user avatar