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8 votes
3 answers

Models of intuitionistic linear logic that reflect the resource interpretation

I am interested in models of intuitionistic linear logic, that is, the logic that you get if you take classical linear logic and restrict the set of operators to $\otimes$, $1$, $\multimap$, $\times$, ...
Wolfgang Jeltsch's user avatar
3 votes
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Is it possible to implement η-reduction in interaction nets?

There are several ways to encode λ-terms in interaction nets; for instance, using the original optimal algorithm by Lamping, or compiling λ-calculus into interaction combinators. However, all the ...
Anton Salikhmetov's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Interaction-based approximation for HP-complete λ-theory?

We are looking for a proof or counter-examples for the following hypothesis. Two combinators $M$ and $N$ are solvable and equivalent in the HP-complete sensible $\lambda$-theory iff either $$ \exists ...
Anton Salikhmetov's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Hypothesis: interaction-based model for λKβη

We are looking for a proof or counter-examples to the following Hypothesis. In interaction calculus $\langle \varnothing\ |\ \Gamma(M, x) \cup \Gamma(N, x)\rangle \downarrow \langle \varnothing\ |\ ...
Anton Salikhmetov's user avatar