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Chromatic Homotopy Theory and Physics

Chromatic homotopy theory is a subfield of stable homotopy theory that studies complex-oriented cohomology theories from the "chromatic" point of view, which is based on Quillen's work relating ...
wonderich's user avatar
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Adams blue book lemma 17.14: computing a $\mathbb{F}_2$ basis for a filtration of $H\mathbb{Z}_*(bu \wedge bu)$

First off let me apologize for not being able to give all the context for this question. I'm learning how to do computations in stable homotopy theory and have been particularly spending a lot of time ...
Francis Baer's user avatar
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Funtoriality of twisted K-theory

I posted this question on math.stackexchange, but received no answer there. In order to avoid the XY problem I will first state what I want, then what I think is the solution and how that failed until ...
Excalibur's user avatar
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Reference request: complex K-theory as a commutative ring spectrum

Does anyone know of a point-set level model for complex K-theory as a commutative ring spectrum? For real $K$-theory I know of "A symmetric ring spectrum representing KO-theory" by Michael Joachim (...
David Barnes's user avatar
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Uniqueness of complex topological $K$-theory as an $S$-algebra

This might be well-known or trivial, but I could not figure out how to fill in the details: For an $S$-algebra $K$ denote its associated multiplicative cohomology theory by $h^*_K$. Suppose that I ...
Ulrich Pennig's user avatar
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How to to understand the homology groups $H_*(\Omega_0^\infty S^\infty)$?

The original statement of the Barratt--Priddy theorem says there is an isomorphism of homology groups $$H_*(\Sigma_\infty)\cong H_*(\Omega_0^\infty S^\infty),$$ where $\Omega_0^\infty S^\infty$ is the ...
Chase's user avatar
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Which spectra have a homotopy-universal connective quotient?

Prefatory remark: This is a repost of a previous question, to which Tyler Lawson supplied a lovely $\infty$-categorical answer. The example that motivated the question was specifically about the ...
Theo Johnson-Freyd's user avatar
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$1$-periodic mod-$2$ K-theory

Complex $K$-theory mod $2$ is $2$-periodic, $K/2_* = \mathbf{F}_2[u,u^{-1}]$. Is there an extension $K/2 \to K'$ of ring spectra such that $K'_*=\mathbb{F}_2[q,q^{-1}]$ with $|q|=1$ and such that the ...
Tilman's user avatar
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