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Entropy of $f^{m(x)+n}$ of full shift

Let $(X,\mu,f)$ be a two-sided full shift system. Assume that there is $t \in \mathbb{N}$ such that for every $n \in \mathbb{N}$ and $x \in X$, we can define $T(x)=f^{n+m(x)}(x)$, where $m(x) \leq t; $...
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The entropy of a partition of unity

A partition of unity can be thought of as a blurred out set partition: identify the fibers of the set partition with their indicator functions; the sum of these indicators is $1$. I would like to ...
Yakov Shklarov's user avatar
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Median entropy to observe evolution of system?

Hello, I am studying a dynamical system that takes as an initial condition a list. I want to analyze the evolution of Shannon's entropy in this system. I know the maximum entropy (50) and the minimum ...
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