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Pros and cons of using integer programming alone or combined integer and global optimization?

First, I am not sure if this is the right question to ask in this forum. But I have been looking for answers for a long time and I have been also asking my university's "engineering" professors but I ...
Mohammed Khaled's user avatar
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Minimizing sum of ratio of linear functions (Sum of Linear Ratios Problem)

Given constants $c_i \in \mathbb{R}$ and $d_i \in \mathbb{R}$ and variables $x_i \in \mathbb{R}$, where $c_i > 0, d_i > 0, x_i > 0$ can we easily solve the following optimization problem: $$...
Aleksandar Bojchevski's user avatar
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When are quadratic integer programs "easy to solve"?

Let $N_i=\{0,1,\dots,\bar{n}_i\}$ and define $N=N_1\times \dots \times N_I$. I want to maximize $f$ on $N$. $f$ has the following form $$ f(n) = \sum_i A_i n_i -\sum_i \sum_{j\neq i} B_{ij} (n_i-n_j)^...
user_lambda's user avatar
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Finding the maximum of a multivariate polynomial of degree one

I need to find the global maximum of the function \begin{align} f\left(x\right) & = p_1 \max\left(\sum a_{1i} x_{1i}, \sum b_{1i} x_{1i}\right) - \sum c_{1i} x_{1i} \\ &+\ldots \\ &+ p_n ...
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