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2 answers

Comultiplication of elements of partition of unity

Let $F(G)$ be the algebra of functions on a finite quantum group $G$ (so that $F(G)$ is a finite dimensional $\mathrm{C}^*$-Hopf algebra). Suppose that $\{p_i:i=0,\dots,d-1\}\subset F(G)$ is a ...
8 votes
1 answer

Image of Comultiplication on Finite Quantum Groups/Hopf Algebras

Let $A=:F(G)$ be the algebra of functions on a finite quantum groups aka a finite dimensional C*-Hopf Algebra. Suppose that $F(G)$ is neither commutative nor cocommutative. In their 1966 paper Kac and ...
1 vote
1 answer

Coinvariant Subalgebras of Hopf Comodules and Quotients

For $H$ a Hopf algebra, let $V$ be a right $H$-comodule with coaction $\Delta_R$. Moreover, let $W$ be a subspace of $V$ such that $\Delta_R(W) \subseteq W \otimes H$, and note that this implies that $...