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2 answers

Failure of Fin. Presented and Fin. Generated Modules to be Abelian Categories?

Let R be a ring. I'm trying to understand when the categories of finitely presented R-modules and finitely generated R-modules can fail to be abelian categories. Poking around on the internet has ...
Chris Schommer-Pries's user avatar
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Abelian categories have become the language of homological algebra. Why haven't Zariski categories become the language of commutative algebra?

I'm not seeing much mention of Zariski categories in the literature. There is no article on Zariski categories in nLab, which would seem to be an obvious place to have such an article. What has ...
Jeremy Gross's user avatar
9 votes
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What are abelian categories enriched over themselves?

As far as I understand, an arbitrary abelian category is not enriched over itself, for example, $\mathrm{ChainComplex}(\mathrm{Ab})$ is, right? On the other hand, the categories $\mathrm{Mod}(R)$ (in ...
Arshak Aivazian's user avatar
7 votes
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Concrete examples of Freyd-Mitchell embedding

I originally posted this on math.SE ( but since it's been a few days I figured I would crosspost it here. ...
Spencer Dembner's user avatar
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Motivation for definitions of donor and receptor in Salamander Lemma?

$\newcommand{\im}{\operatorname{Im}}$Consider the following (subpart of) a double complex, using the same notation as in George Bergman's pre-print or in these lecture notes: $$\require{AMScd}\begin{...
Chill2Macht's user avatar
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On image of map $\text{Ext}^1_R(X,F)\to \text{Ext}^1_R(X,G)$ induced by $R$-linear map of free modules $F\to G$ with entries in the maximal ideal

$\DeclareMathOperator\Ext{Ext}$Let $(R,\mathfrak m)$ be a Noetherian local ring. Let $F,G$ be finitely generated free $R$-modules and $f:F\to G$ be an $R$-linear map such that $f(F)\subseteq \mathfrak ...
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