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What advantages do perverse sheaves provide over D-modules? (or vice versa)

My question is as in the title: What advantages do perverse sheaves provide over D-modules? (or vice versa) As a specific example: could something like the modular generalized Springer correspondence ...
Andrea B.'s user avatar
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The geometric "hands-on" vs. algebraic approach to nearby cycles

Feel free to skip to the question below; the following is just context and discussion: An interesting, but seemingly less used result in the theory of nearby cycles of constructible sheaves is (...
Mathmank's user avatar
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Concrete computation of pullback of the $D$-module $\mathbb{C}[t,t^{-1}]$

I have some problems in calculating some example explicitly. Consider $$ \{0\} \overset{i}{\rightarrow} \mathbb{C} \overset{j}{\leftarrow} \mathbb{C}^*.$$ Then $Rj_+\mathbb{C}[t,t^{-1}] = \mathbb{C}[t,...
XT Chen's user avatar
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Computing $\mathcal D$-module direct image along group action map

Say everything is over $\mathbb C$, and I have an action $act: N \times X \to X$ of an affine algebraic group $N$ on a smooth variety, say with finitely many orbits. I'm trying to compute the $\...
Qixian Zhao's user avatar
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Are there six functors for twisted D modules?

Is there a notion of holonomic D module which admits the six functor formalism in the world of twisted D modules? Recall that twisted D modules on $X$ are well-defined for any $T$ torsor $\tilde{X}\...
Pulcinella's user avatar
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What's the relation of the Hecke algebra of a pair and the flag variety?

Let $G$ be a real semisimple Lie group and $K$ a maximal compact subgroup. Let $\mathfrak{g}$ and $\mathfrak{k}$ be the complexified Lie algebra of $G$ and $K$, respectively. Then the Hecke algebra ...
Zhaoting Wei's user avatar
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Lie Algebra representations outside of generalized central characters

For a simple Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$, we can view its category of representations as fibered over $\operatorname{Spec}Z(\mathfrak{g})$ (a representation will lie over a point if the center's action ...
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