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cup product and Steenrod operations in Serre spectral sequence

Let $F\to E\to B$ be a fibration with $B$ simply-connected. Suppose all differentials in the cohomology Serre spectral sequence (corresponding to the above fibration) are zero maps. Then as a graded ...
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cohomology ring of cross-section space of one-point compactification of tangent bundle

Let $M$ be an $m$-manifold whose cohomology is known. Let $TM$ be the tangent bundle of $M$ and $\xi$ be the fibre-wise one-point compactification of $TM$. Then $\xi$ is a $m$-sphere bundle over $M$. ...
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group completion theorem by using homology fibrations

In the paper Homology fibrations and group completion theorem, McDuff-Segal (, page 281: Let $M$ be a topological monoid such that $\pi_0M$ is generated by ...
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fiber sequence of principal bundles

Let $G$ be a group, either a Lie group or a discrete group. Let a principal $G$-bundle $$ G\to E\to B,$$ then $B=E/G$, the orbit space under action of $G$. Let $BG$ be the classifying space of $G$. ...
Shiquan Ren's user avatar
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Cohomology of a fiber bundle with fiber $H$ and base space $BG$

Are there any general results on the (integral) cohomology of fiber bundle, where the fiber is a compact group $H$ (continuous or discrete) and the base space is the classifying space $BG$ of another ...
Xiao-Gang Wen's user avatar
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Cohomology of fibrations over the circle

Are there any general results on the (integral) cohomology of manifolds that are fibrations over the circle? Any literature references much appreciated.
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