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5 votes
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Do equivariant morphisms induce representable maps of quotient stacks?

Let $f: X \to Y$ be a $G$-equivariant map between schemes $X$, $Y$ with action of a flat group scheme $G$. Then why is the induced map of algebraic stacks $[X/G] \to [Y/G]$ representable?
user89937's user avatar
3 votes
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Vector bundles on a weighted projective stack

Put $X := \mathbb A^{n+1}\!-\lbrace0\rbrace$. Let $G=\mathbb C^*$ act on $X$ with (positive) weights $w_0,\dots,w_n$. The quotient stack $[X/G]$ is called the weighted projective stack. Each vector ...
H. Shindoh's user avatar