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Reconstruction of commutative differential graded algebras

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field of characteristic $0$. Let $A,B$ be commutative differential graded algebras (cdga) over $k$ such that $H^{i}(A)=H^{i}(B) =0 \ (i>0)$. Here, differentials ...
YkMz's user avatar
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Skew differential graded algebra

A sigma, or skew, derivation is a natural generalisation of the notion of derivation depending on an algebra automorphism $\sigma$ which when equal to $id = \sigma$ reduces to the usual notion of a ...
Jake Wetlock's user avatar
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Has anyone seen this construction of dg algebras?

Let $A$ be an associative algebra, $M$ a right $A$-module. Suppose we are given an $A$-module homomorphism $M \to A$. Then we can make $M$ itself into an associative algebra via the multiplication $$ ...
Dan Petersen's user avatar
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Equivariant Formality

Let $G$ be a finite group and $\mathcal{A}$ be a $dg$-algebra. Assume $G$ acts on $\mathcal{A}$, i.e. there exists a homomorphism $G\to {\rm Aut}_{dg}(\mathcal{A})$. Assume further there exists a $dg$...
Oliver Straser's user avatar
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Formal DG-algebras

Sorry for this question but I really have difficulties with model categories. Usually a $dg$-algebra $A$ is called formal, if there exists a $dg$-algebra $B$ and quasi-isomorphisms $$A\leftarrow B\to ...
Oliver Straser's user avatar