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Image, upto direct summands, of derived push-forward of resolution of singularities

Let $\mathcal C$ be a full subcategory (closed under isomorphism also) of an additive category $\mathcal A$. Then, $\text{add}(\mathcal C)$ is the full subcategory of $\mathcal A$ consisting of all ...
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Perfect complexes of plane nodal cubic curve

Let $C\subset\mathbb{P}^2$ be a plane nodal cubic curve with a unique singular point $O$ at the origin. Then I consider its normalization, denoted by $\widetilde{C}$ and let $\pi:\widetilde{C}\...
user41650's user avatar
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Skyscraper sheaf on a stack associated to a singular surface

Suppose $X$ is a normal projective surface with a du Val singularity. In this case, we know a crepant resolution $Y$ exists, and results of Kawamata (, Corollary 3.5) ...
Franco's user avatar
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Total space of canonical bundle on toric del pezzo surface

Let $X$ be a toric del pezzo surface with a full cyclic strong exceptional collection of line bundles, say $\mathbb{E}:=(E_1,\ldots,E_n)$, consider the total space of anti-canonical bundle $\omega_X^*$...
George Baobei's user avatar
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Functors between equivariant derived category and derived category of the quotient

Suppose $M$ is a quasi-projective variety, $G$ is a finite group acting on $M$. Let $X$ be the quotient $M/G$ (we assume $X$ to be singular) and $\pi: M\to X$ be the natural projection. We have $(\pi)...
Xuqiang QIN's user avatar